East Penn Pyr Rescue

Missy and Lilly

The girls have been adopted!


More Missy

Missy again

Missy again

Missy again


More Lilly

The photos above were taken as soon as Missy and Lilly came in to Rescue. As you can see, there are some pretty severe skin issues going on with these two girls. Missy also had some eye issues. Below are photos taken after their bath the next day. Boy did they feel better! More to come as soon as I hear more!

Missy after her bath

Missy after her bath

Missy after her bath

Missy after her bath

Lilly after her bath

Lilly after her bath

Lilly after her bath

Missy now. Amazing what 6 months of proper care can do for a dog!

Lilly today. She looks great!

Barbara Bowes
2575 Blakeslee Blvd. Dr. W.
Lehighton, PA 18235


East Penn Pyr Rescue, Inc.
Home Page