Lily Receives Service Dog Award!

Charlotte presenting Service Dog Award to Joyce and Lily Lily's Award From the Great Pyrenees Club of America
Lily came in to Rescue on April 1, 2006. The people who turned her in to Rescue had originally obtained her from someone who had "rescued" her from an abusive situation. They could not handle Lily so turned her over to Rescue. Lily turned out to be a lovely dog who exhibited very little of the behaviors for which she was turned in to Rescue. She was of course a dominant dog that needed an owner with a strong personality. On July 20, 2006 she found that new owner in Joyce!

Here is what Joyce wrote to me on July 26, 2006. "Just a little update about Lily; she prevented a home invasion the other night. She went a hellin' out to my gate all furious and barking. I got to the gate to see two men trying to break into my neighbor's apartment. The lady was yelling on the inside. How terrifying that must be, to have someone try to break into your home when you're there! Lily wouldn't let up until the men turned tail and ran. A few minutes later, the police arrived. So, it seems Lily performed better than Philadelphia's Finest." It is this act that earned her the Service Dog Award from the GPCA. The award was presented at the 2007 National Specialty in arizona. Unfortunately, Joyce was not able to attend so it was shipped back here and Charlotte made the presentaion to Joyce and Lily.

More of what Joyce has written about Lily, "Before Lily came to live with me, I suffered from a great deal of anxiety and had to take medicine to help me cope with it. However, since Lily arrived at my home, I have not had to take a single anxiety med, not a one. This big wonderful well mannered dog, with her softness and her easy going ways has brought joy and peace into my life. I have come to call her my big white guardian angel disguised as a dog. I came to you mourning the loss of the best dog I'd ever owned, my Siberian Husky, Beta. You sent me home with Lily--the best dog I have ever owned."

Lily and Joyce Lily, Joyce and her outside cat buddy

Even though Lily may not have had the best beginning in life, she has turned out to be a truly "Great" Pyrenees.

In April on 2010 Lily received a 2nd Service Dog Award from the Great Pyrenees Club of America for saving the life of her owner! Here is the story.

Dear Barb and Charlotte, Our Lily is truly a marvelous dog. Little did I realize, when I applied to adopt her, she would wind up saving me! This is a picture of Lily checking to see if all her toys were still here when I brought her home from the boarding kennel. She touched each one as she counted them. Lily was there because I had to go into the hospital. It was all her doing you know. Just a few weeks before, Lily started poking me on the right side of my chest. Poke she went. Then she backed up; "Do you know I'm trying to tell you something?" her eyes asked. These actions continued for the weeks preceding a scheduled appointment with my doctor and had never happened before. I was reminded about all the stories I'd heard about beloved pets and so decided to mention some problems with pain I was having when walking Lily, but only on very cold days. Well, soon after that appointment, I was admitted to the hospital to undergo a cardiac cath. There they found a 80% blockage in my right coronary arterry, cleared it, and placed a stent to keep my artery open. Lily, though she sniffed about my chest, has not poked me there since I've had that procedure. I owe her my life! Some kinda dog, huh! Lily,My hero! Oh what wonderful creatures these dogs are. It is a privilege to have one to love. God bless you both! Sincerely, Joyce
East Penn Pyr Rescue, Inc.
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